Eczema Begone! How to Cure Eczema Naturally with Homeopathy



What is Eczema?

Eczema, or dermatitis, is a common skin complaint categorized by skin inflammation accompanied by erythema, dry rash, vesicles, pustules, or papules. Erythema refers to red skin discolouration; papules are eruptions that spread less than 1cm without the presence of any fluid; vesicles are eruptions filled with fluid; pustules refer to eruptions that are filled with pus. In the long run, it leads to thickening of the skin. Itching and scratching of varying intensity may also be present. Scratching may cause the skin to bleed. This condition may either cover a small area of the body or be widespread, covering the entire body.


How common is eczema and how does it start?

Eczema affects almost 15% to 20% of children and 1% to 3% of adults worldwide as infants are highly prone to experiencing it but around half of them outgrow the condition or show significant improvement as they grow older. It affects males and females equally and is more common in people who already have a personal or family history of environmental allergies, asthma and/or food allergies. The first sign of eczema is redness and itchiness.


Where does eczema most commonly occur?

While there are different classifications of eczema, the most common one is atopic eczema. While eczema can show up anywhere on your skin, it is typically found on your inner elbows, ankles, knees, hands, neck, feet and around the eyes among teens and adults.


What are the symptoms of eczema?

The most common symptoms of eczema include:

-       Swelling

-       Bumps on the skin

-       Dry skin

-       Crusting skin

-       Red rashes

-       Scaly, leathery patches of skin

-       Itchy skin

If you have eczema, you might also have another condition that isn’t particularly responsible for it, but is often accompanied by it, like:

-       Anxiety

-       Allergies

-       Depression

-       Asthma

-       Sleep loss


What causes eczema?

Eczema is caused by a set of factors:

·          Your immune system

Your immune system is prone to overreacting to small irritants or allergens if you have eczema This overreaction can make your skin prone to inflammation.


·          Your genetics

You are more likely to have eczema if your family has a history of dermatitis or if there are a history of asthma, hay fever and/or allergens. Allergens refer to substances like pet hair, pollen, or foods that can trigger an allergic reaction. There might also be a change in your genes which is responsible for controlling a protein that helps your body in maintaining healthy skin. Your skin will fail to be completely healthy without normal levels of that protein.


·          Your environment

There are a lot of elements in your environment that can cause skin irritation. Some examples include exposure to air pollutants, tobacco smoke, harsh soaps, fabrics such as wool and certain skin products. Low humidity or dry air can also cause your skin to become dry and itchy. Heat and high humidity can lead to sweating, which can further worsen the itchiness.


·          Your stress

Your stress levels can trigger or worsen your eczema. There are certain mental or emotional signs as well as physical signs of stress. They include:

Mental/emotional signs:

-       Anxiety, constant worry

-       Depression

-       Difficulty concentrating and/or relaxing

-       Use of unhealthy substances like alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs to relax

-       Irritability, short temper, or mood swings

-       Low self-esteem

-       An overwhelming feeling

Physical signs:

-       Sleeping too much or too little

-       Diarrhoea

-       Constipation

-       Nausea and dizziness

-       Tension in the muscles


What are the remedies for eczema?

Many people prefer to opt for eczema treatmentin homeopathy. Some of the most preferred homeopathic remedies include:

·          Sulphur and Psorinum

Sulphur is a prominent homeopathic medicine for eczema with excessive itching and rash in cases of eczema which is accompanied by intense scratching and the burning sensation is followed by scratching of the rash. The itching gets worse in the evening and nighttime. Even warmth can worsen the itching, as well as washing in some cases, which can also increase the itching in case of a rash. If you are suggested the use of this remedy, your skin probably looks very dirty and unhealthy. Sulphur is also the most appropriate homeopathic medicine for eczema cases that had been previously treated with ointments. Psorinum is helpful for cases where people experience dry, itchy eczema and scratch it until it bleeds. Another indication of using this remedy is worsening of eczema during winter which gets better in summers.

·          Graphites

Graphite is very useful as an atopicdermatitis treatment where the skin is crusty, yellow, sticky and moist; especially in the folds of joints like the elbows, knees or groin region. The skin is prone to becoming very dry, red, itchy, cracked, and painful. The remedy also heavily affects digestion and is a good fit for overweight (or emaciated) patients.


·          Calcarea carbonica

This atopic dermatitis treatment is made from the Calcium carbonate present in oyster shells. Oysters are one of the oldest lifeforms as well as the most sought-after culinary delicacies! Their shells produce limestone, which we use to build houses and they even create beautiful pearls. It is a useful remedy for cases of moist, discharging eczema, particularly on the scalp and in young children.


·          Cicuta virosa

Cicuta virosa is an eczema treatment in homeopathy that is derived from cicuta, also known as northern water hemlock. It is a poisonous plant whose flowers have an umbrella-like arrangement. Eczema causes thick yellow scabs (like dried honey) and affects the chin, cheeks, and scalp where it burns and gets itchy. It is also helpful in treating jerks, spasms, seizures, hiccups, tics or convulsions like those found in epilepsy. These symptoms can start being noticeable after a head injury.


·          Natrum Mur

For eczema in the folds of limbs, Natrum Mur is a highly suggested medicine. The folds include those behind the knee and between the elbows. These eruptions are dry, inflamed, raw, chapped, and crusty in nature. On top of this, Natrum Mur is among the best eczema treatment for eruptions arising around the margin of the hairline.


·          Mezereum

Mezereum is the best-suited homeopathy treatment for eczema with thick and crusty eruptions. Which often has a glutinous discharge. In some cases, pus discharge may be seen along with blood. Upon scratching, the itching switches place constantly. This remedy works great in treating eczema cases on the scalp as well. The key features to look out for here are leather-like, thick crusty eruptions on the scalp along with sticky or pus-like discharge. The discharge is very offputting in nature and the hair in the area gets matted together due to the sticky discharge.


Eczema isn’t a deadly condition and can be brought under control and even completely eradicated if caught on time but for that, you must be careful and pay attention to the signs and symptoms that you might be experiencing. Prompt diagnosis is the best way to get rid of any inconvenience that might come with this condition.


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