Holistic Homeopathic Treatment for Psoriatic Arthritis and Pain Relief


Psoriatic Arthritis is a condition that occurs in patients who have the autoimmune disease Psoriasis and involves the joints as well as the skin and nails. It is classified as Seronegative Arthropathy, and people with the HLA B27 genotype are more susceptible to it, with genetic and environmental factors both playing a role in the condition's onset. It manifests as Chronic Inflammatory Arthritis involving one or more joints that coexists or alternates with acute or recurrent Psoriasis spells or has a relationship with the cyclic pattern of Psoriasis.

The skin condition is distinguished by white scaly patches that appear on the skin's top layer. Psoriatic arthritis develops in people who have had psoriasis for a long time. The weakened immune system of the body is the result of joint inflammation, which causes Psoriatic arthritis.


Symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis

Without treatment, the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis frequently worsen over time. Before looking for possible treatments, it's a good idea to understand how this condition can affect your body.


        Irritated joints

Swollen, painful, and warm to the touch joints are common symptoms. Joints on both sides of the body can be affected, or only one side. It can affect a single joint or several types of joints.


        Backache in the Lower Back

Spondylitis is a specific type of lower back pain associated with psoriatic arthritis. This condition causes inflammation of the vertebrae between your spine and pelvis, resulting in pain.


        Toes or fingers that are swollen

It is common to experience painful, visible swelling in the fingers and toes. For some patients, swelling may be the first symptom, even before joint pain.


        Foot Ache

Many people with psoriatic arthritis experience pain where the ligaments connect to the bones in their feet. These are located at the back of your heel and on the sole of your foot.


Diagnosis Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic Arthritis does not have a specific test. It cannot be predicted that a person will develop Psoriatic Arthritis based solely on joint or skin complaints, and the diagnosis can only be made after both skin and musculoskeletal complaints appear. As a result, early diagnosis is impossible, and it is usually established only after the disease has progressed far enough to appear on both spectrums.

There are many treatments available for the psoriatic arthritis cure and one such treatment is homeopathy which has no side effects. Psoriatic Arthritis homeopathic treatment works intending to relieve the symptoms and also helps in reducing the risk of flare.


Psoriatic Arthritis Homeopathic Treatment

PsA is a chronic autoimmune disease thus as a result, it is critical to treat the underlying cause first, and the symptoms will subside on their own. A proper homeopathic case taking and constitutional approach is required because it is a deep-seated genetic complaint and only a deep-seated constitutional remedial force can bring about positive change.


Can homeopathic medicines be used to treat psoriatic arthritis?

Researchers have demonstrated that homeopathic treatment is always safe for psoriatic arthritis cure. Homeopathy treatments have also helped persons with psoriatic arthritis improve their quality of life.

Homeopathic medicines have a distinct appeal, and they work well on various tissues and organs in our bodies. The homeopathic doctor must conduct a thorough examination to achieve good results.

The various ways in which homeopathic medicines can treat psoriatic arthritis are primarily determined by the disease's persistence, family history, and extent. These key characteristics aid in determining the rate of treatment for psoriatic arthritis.

Homeopathic medicine for psoriatic arthritis has a very positive effect on patients who are not taking conventional medications. When a condition is diagnosed, opting for homeopathy as soon as possible is very beneficial because it provides immediate relief.


Homeopathic Medicine For Psoriatic Arthritis


        Album of Arsenicum

Anxious, restless, and excessively neat and ordered people are characteristic of those who respond to this cure. They are frequently extremely cold, suffer from burning pains, have numerous physical complaints, and become easily exhausted.



People who require this treatment frequently have a long history of skin disorders. The skin appears to be tough or leathery, with cracks and soreness. Itching is often exacerbated by heat, and the person may scratch the irritated areas until they bleed. When this remedy is required, people frequently report difficulty concentrating, especially in the morning.



This remedy may be beneficial to someone tired and irritable, often with little enthusiasm for work or family life. The individual's skin may appear dry and stiff. Psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body, including the nails and genital area. Signs of hormonal imbalance (in either sex) are common, as are circulation issues.




Sulfur to be used when the intense burning sensation, itching along with inflamed eruptions worsen with bathing and heat. Affected areas are frequently bright red and irritated, with scaling skin that becomes inflamed as a result of scratching. This treatment can be beneficial for people who have used psoriasis medications regularly (without success).


        Carbonica calcarea

People who are often fatigued by activity, physically sluggish, chilly with clammy hands and feet, and frequently overweight should use this medication. Skin problems are more common in the winter. These people, who are typically solid and responsible, can become overwhelmed by too much work and stress. Anxiety, claustrophobia, and aversion to heights are all common. Cravings for sweets and eggs are common when Calcarea is required.


        Mercurius solubilis

This cure may help persons who appear introverted and formal on the outside but are filled with powerful emotions and urges on the inside. They have swollen lymph nodes, moist or greasy skin, and are extremely sensitive to temperature changes. Psoriasis-affected skin can easily become infected.

Although many natural therapies for PsA and other psoriatic conditions are beneficial, not all of them are backed by science. Before attempting a new treatment, a person should consult with their doctor to ensure that it is appropriate for them. If you are approaching psoriatic arthritis homeopathic treatment, we suggest you consult with a homeopathy doctor who has experience and knowledge in the treatment for psoriatic arthritis.


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