Homeopathy – An Effective Natural Treatment For Hair Fall In Women


We all have some emotional attachment to our hair. Hairs carry a special significance when it comes to our appearance, particularly in women. They add to the natural beauty of a woman and enhances her personality. Whether you love having long or short hair, you spend a certain amount of time each day grooming your hair. As a result, due to this daily habit, people first notice hair loss and other changes in the scalp and hair. The thinning hair is often concerning because it is the first (of many) steps to lead to permanent hair loss and eventual baldness.

There are several types of alopecia (hair fall), but the two most common types are:

    ●      Alopecia areata: It is a type of alopecia that causes hair loss in patches

    ●      Total alopecia: It causes a loss of all hair on the scalp.

    ●     Alopecia Universalis: It is a type of alopecia that affects the entire body. (a lose all hair on the body)

Stages of Hair Growth Cycle:

Each hair grows from a follicle, which is a narrow pocket in the skin and goes through three stages of development. The stages are as follows.

      The active growth phase, the anagen (A), lasts for two to seven years.

     The transition phase, Catagen (B), lasts for about two weeks. The hair shaft moves upward toward the skin's surface during this phase, and the dermal papilla (the structure that nourishes the cells that give rise to hair) begins to separate from the follicle.

   The resting phase, telogen (C), lasts about three months and ends with the shedding of the hair shaft.

Signs & Symptoms Of Hair Fall:

Hair loss does not occur in a similar pattern in everyone; it varies. Men and women experience different patterns and symptoms of hair loss. As a result, the treatment for hair fall may vary.

Also, the signs and symptoms of baldness vary in males and females. Hair loss occurs in the initial stages of baldness in men in such a pattern that it leads to the development of the ‘M’ shape on the head. Eventually, the hair fall increases so much so that it leads to the development of the shape of a ‘U’.

In females, the hair loss pattern is not the same as in men. Typically, the middle part of a women’s head experiences the beginning of hair loss. The hair around the hairline experiences the loss of hair, and, later, the hair loss affects the rest of the areas of her head.

Signs of Hair Fall in Females:

Here are some common signs that indicate hair fall in females.

      Hair loss from the middle part of the head

      The thinning of hair

      Excessive hair loss while shampooing

      Excessive hair loss while combing the hair

      Sudden hair loss

Causes of Hair Fall:

There are many reasons responsible for hair fall. Here are some of the prominent and common causes of hair fall.


      Hormonal Changes

      Medications And Radiation Therapy


      Excessive Hair Styling

      Hair Care Products


      Vitamin Deficiency



Homeopathy For Hair Fall:

Homeopathy helps promotes hair regrowth after you experience the thinning of the hair. Homeopathy medicine is one of the most effective hair fall treatments to achieve good hair regrowth, even after you experience the thinning of hair. Here are some benefits of homeopathic treatment for hairfall that you should be aware of.

   Rectifies the Root Cause: If you are suffering from any hair issue, such as hair thinning or excessive hair loss, you would fail to have healthy hair until you treat and rectify the underlying cause of the same. Homeopathy works on these lines of addressing and rectifying the root cause of your hair loss. Once you follow the homeopathic treatment and the root cause is treated, you experience good hair regrowth and have healthy hair.

     Addresses The Underlying Medical Conditions: In several patients, the hair loss results due to an underlying medical condition. For instance, hormonal imbalance can be the prime cause of an excess of hair loss in women. Once it’s treated with homeopathic treatment, the hair loss issue can be resolved. Some of the triggers include anemia, menopause, PCOS, and thyroid. Homeopathy has the potential to treat all of these underlying conditions effectively, thereby addressing and rectifying the underlying cause of hair loss.

   Offers safe, natural, and gentle treatment: Homeopathy offers completely safe treatment for hair fall. It promotes hair regrowth and healthy hair without causing any side effects. So, you can count on homeopathy anytime to treat your hair fall. Also, homeopathic medicines are made from natural sources so it offers you a gentle and natural treatment to address your hair condition and promotes hair regrowth naturally.

Homeopathic Medicines for Hair Fall:

Here are some homeopathic remedies that are included in the hair loss treatment for women.

    Acid Flour: One of the most effective homeopathic remedies for alopecia is acid flour. When you experience hair loss following a fever and when you develop rough and brittle hairs that fall in patches, this homeopathic remedy is indicated. The itching of the scalp is exacerbated by heat. 

     Sulfur: Sulfur is a popular and highly effective homeopathic medicine included in alopecia treatment. When you happen to develop an unhealthy, dry scalp due to the condition called tinea capitis, this homeopathy remedy can help treat it. The development of the pustular eruptions on the scalp, discomforting itching and scratching of the scalp, and worsening hair loss after hair wash indicate this remedy.

  Natrum Muriaticum:  Another excellent homeopathic medicine for alopecia is Natrum Muriaticum. It is often recommended to anemic females who suffer from hair loss. Greasy unhealthy scalp and the development of dry eruptions on the scalp’s hairy edges indicate this homeopathic medicine.

  Phosphorus: It is another most effective medicine included in the homeopathic treatment for alopecia. The scalp having dry scalp dandruff that causes intense itching and hair loss indicate this remedy.

Other effective homeopathicmedicines for hair fall are Acid Phos, Selenium, Vinca minor, Psorinum, Mezereum, Thuja, and Graphitis.

So, if you happen to suffer from hair fall anytime, count on homeopathy without a second thought and prevent hair loss. Also, experience hair regrowth and have healthy hair with homeopathic treatment smoothly and safely without any adverse effects.


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