Treat Nephrotic Syndrome Safely And Effectively With Homeopathy

Homeopathy for Nephrotic Syndrome

Have you gained significant weight though you are experiencing a loss of appetite? Do you feel tired for no reason? Have you developed swollen hands and feet and foamy urine? If yes, you might be suffering from nephrotic syndrome. When you experience these discomforting symptoms, there are chances that your kidneys may not be functioning well. 

What is Nephrotic Syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome is a collection of symptoms that occurs when tiny blood vessels present in the kidneys called glomeruli are not functioning properly. It is a kidney disease in which the leakage of protein in the urine occurs. Glomeruli function as the filtering part of the kidneys. If these are damaged, then this allows the leakage of the protein in the urine, thereby reducing the amount of proteins in the blood resulting in the disease known as nephrotic syndrome.  

Cause of Nephrotic Syndrome


The kidneys are made up of many tiny vessels. The function of healthy kidneys is to remove fluids and waste from your body while maintaining proteins and nutrients in the bloodstream. Glomeruli are known to be the filtering part of the kidneys. If these are damaged, it may cause the leakage of the proteins in the urine, thereby reducing the amount of protein in the blood. This leads to a condition called nephrotic syndrome that further causes cholesterol to build up. Consumption of alcohol and drugs also causes this ailment.

How to Detect Nephrotic Syndrome 

The swelling of body parts, mainly hands and feet and around the eyes, fatigue, weight gain with fluid retention, infections such as cold, and high blood pressure are all the symptoms of nephrotic syndrome. In the worst conditions, kidney failure and a heart attack could occur. Anyone can get nephrotic syndrome, but it affects men more often as compared to women. The diagnosis includes urine tests, blood tests, or kidney biopsy.

Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment with Homeopathy

There are many clinical trials for the treatment of this ailment.  Homeopathy treatment for nephrotic syndrome is ideal and very effective. It treats an individual as a whole. It examines the case not only taking into account the patient's physical condition but also considering the mental and emotional aspects. The treatment protocol is a well-researched medical aid. 

Nephrotic Syndrome in homeopathy aims at-

  • Reducing infections, such as cold and sore throat, thereby enhancing immunity.
  • Diagnosing the whole body as well as previous medications if any and treating the patient accordingly.
  • Examining the duration of the prevailing condition and the extent of damage 
  • It works more on the main purpose that is controlling protein leakage.
  • Homeopathy offers natural medicines and causes no adverse effects. They have no toxic chemicals involved.
  • Reducing the frequencies of attacks of nephrotic syndrome.

Homeopathic Medicines For Nephrotic Syndrome

Here are some effective homeopathic remedies for nephrotic syndrome.

  1. 1. Lycopodium Clavatum: Lycopodium is extracted from the spores of a plant life referred to as club moss which is an inert substance with curative powers. It has positive effects on the urinary system, reproductive system, lungs, etc. 
  1. 2. Phosphorus: This medicine shows its powerful effect after synergizing with the inorganic phosphorus.  It is not only used in the homeopathic treatment for nephrotic syndrome but also for treating respiratory infections, hepatitis, etc., as it acts on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, bones, and lungs. 
  1. 3. Apis Mellifica: This is prepared from the honeybee. The power of this medicine can be seen after its potentization. It helps in improving the function of the kidneys, bladder, skin, nervous system, eyes, etc.
  1. 4. Eel serum: This homeopathic remedy plays a vital role in treating kidney infections. It is prepared from the serum of the eel fish as the name suggests. It also acts on the blood, heart, and liver positively.
  1. 5. Terebinthine: It is highly recommended in the initial stages of homeopathic treatment for nephrotic syndrome. 
  1. 6. Arsenic Album: Arsenic Album is one of the best homeopathic remedies for nephrotic syndrome. 

These are some of the best highly effective homeopathic medicines for nephrotic syndrome. They give excellent results in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome. Also, diet plays a crucial role in promoting recovery from this health condition. A dietician may recommend the consumption of protein, fat, and salt. 

One must not self-medicate when nephrotic syndrome is concerned.  Consult a homeopathic doctor right away to prevent the condition from turning worse. 



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