Learn all about PCOD Treatment from Homeopathy Experts

Dealing with a health condition which you are unable to control makes it worse, particularly when it is something that you have been combating for a long time but fail to experience relief or recovery from it properly. We are talking about PCOD - Polycystic Ovarian Disorder; it is one of the most common health problems occurring in women of reproductive age due to the imbalance of hormones. 

What Exactly is PCOD?

As the name suggests, the ovaries release immature or partially matured eggs that eventually turn into cysts. Generally, it results due to the imbalance of hormones and genetic factors. High amounts of male hormones cause a hindrance in the normal and regular production of eggs.

What Are the Symptoms of PCOD?

Common symptoms of PCOD include weight gain, irregular periods, and secretion of excessive amounts of androgen. 

Hormonal imbalances might make you suffer from a lot of discomforts, thereby making you dealing with unwanted facial hair, excessive body hair, acne, pelvic pain, excessive menstrual flow, delayed periods, and hair loss, difficult. In some cases, a loss of scalp hair might be a matter of concern.

What are Other Complications Associated with PCOD?

If left untreated, PCOD can lead to infertility, Type 2 Diabetes, and certain heart ailments, particularly if it is present in the family history. Women with PCOD in first-degree female relatives, like sister/mother, have higher chances of getting affected. It can start right after menarche, that is when a woman starts ovulating and having periods. You must be wary of PCOD if you’re already overweight, as the weight gain reduces the insulin resistance of the body. Also, the decreased menstrual flow in some cases could be a symptom of this health issue.

What Kind of Treatment Can I Take for PCOD?

When it comes to treatment for PCOD, all possible treatments available for PCOD may come to your mind. Allopathy would give you a regular dose of medicines, but it can provide you temporary relief. So, if you are looking for long-term or permanent relief from the condition, you must opt for homeopathic treatment for PCOD.

How Homeopathic Treatment for PCOD Can Be Beneficial?

Homeopathy is quite beneficial in treating PCOD not just effectively but also safely with no side-effects. A medical study at the 2nd International Conference & Exhibition on Traditional & Alternative Medicine reveals that almost 68% of the patients, who remained untreated after following conventional medicine, were treated successfully by using homeopathy treatment for PCOD.

Homeopathy works on the principle ‘body can heal itself’, thus the efforts would be directed towards balancing the hormones and the levels of insulin in the body, which is the main cause of PCOD. The homeopathic treatment starts after a basic diagnosis of the body based on some tests, such as the ultrasound, and a discussion with the patient about their medical history. It is a highly individualistic treatment catering to the needs of the particular patient. So, it can vary from case to case to help the individual receive the best effective treatment.

It is common for a patient of PCOD to face persistent sadness/depression along with sleep apnea, thereby experiencing a hampered quality of life. The oral medicines can lead to several side-effects, such as nausea, dizziness, and a huge dependency on those medications. While with homeopathic treatment, vitality and metabolism of the body are restored with a small dosage of medications, such as Pulsatilla, Sepia, Lachesis, Graphites, and Apis mellifica. Also, homeopathic medicines for PCOD cause no adverse effects nor any dependency on them.

The treatment can regularize the menstrual flow and also work on the skin condition that may have resulted due to PCOD. Infrequent ovulation, if managed by homeopathy, can restore the health to normal. 

Consult for PCOD Treatment

What Kind of Diet You Must Choose?

Genetic factors along with a haphazard lifestyle happen to be the root cause of several diseases in women today, particularly PCOD. Unhealthy sleeping and eating patterns may trigger PCOD. Consume more and more natural, unprocessed food with high fiber content. Fish, spinach, dark green leafy vegetables, blueberries, red grapes, cherries, lentils and legumes, olive oil, coconut, avocados, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, turmeric, and cinnamon could give you a huge relief in PCOD symptoms. 

By following the right dosage of homeopathic medicine, all diet and health tips that a homeopath recommends, and regular exercise, you can win the battle against PCOD.

So, if you happen to suffer from PCOD any time, opt for homeopathy without a second thought. Get in touch with us at Life Force to receive the best homeopathy treatment for PCOD and enjoy a healthy life. 


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