Top 5 PCOS Myths Debunked

PCOD and PCOS are concerning conditions affecting several women throughout the world these days. Due to the significant prevalence of these health conditions, they are one of the most widely discussed conditions so much so that many of you may think that these conditions might be unpreventable and unmanageable. But, this isn’t the truth. Most of your fears related to PCOS or PCOD are myths that you get from the misleading information or lack of awareness about the conditions. One of the myths is PCOS and PCOD both the conditions are the same. So, let’s first understand it. PCOS and PCOD are entirely different conditions (even though both are related to ovaries), so is their treatment and recovery. PCOD results due to the hormonal imbalance, whereas PCOS is a metabolic disorder and is more severe than PCOD. So, to address and treat these conditions effectively without any concerns, it is important to debunk the prevailing myths and know the facts. Keep reading to learn all about it.

5 PCOS Myths Debunked

Here are some common myths related to PCOS debunked.

1. Myth:  Irregular Periods Are the Only Symptoms of PCOS: 

Fact: Getting irregular periods is a common sign of PCOS but not the only symptom. There can be many underlying reasons for having irregular periods, such as excess of stress, hypo/hyperthyroidism, etc. In fact, in certain cases, a woman can have monthly/regular menstrual cycles and still have PCOS. If you are going through a series of irregular periods, watch out for the following symptoms as well in conjunction with irregular period cycles.

  • Acne
  • Unwanted facial hair
  • Polycystic Ovaries
  • Increased testosterone levels
2. Myth:  Women with PCOS Can’t Conceive: 

Fact: If you think PCOS is the common cause of infertility, you might be right to some extent. Most commonly, women with PCOS face trouble conceiving, as they may not ovulate or release a mature egg every month. However, this does not stand true in every case. In some cases of PCOS, women do conceive on their own without going for any PCOS treatment. At times, women with PCOS don't experience the trouble in conceiving, as a bit of medical help can do the needful.

3. Myth: Women with PCOS Gains Weight rather than losing Weight: 

Fact: Weight loss is certainly a significant factor in controlling PCOS. Having said that, it is not easy to lose weight for women with PCOS than that for those who do not suffer from the condition. Weight loss happens if one makes alterations in the lifestyle, no matter whether it's by changing the diet, increasing the activity, or reducing the stress from life. 

4. Myth: PCOS Affects Only Obese or Overweight Women: 

Fact: In many cases, women who have PCOS are overweight or obese. And, yes, obesity or excessive weight does make PCOS symptoms turn worse. Yet, PCOS is not limited to excessive weight, and it can affect any women irrespective of their shape, size, and age. 

5. Myth: PCOS Can’t be Managed: 

Fact: Do you know diet, exercise, and behavioral changes can have a tremendous impact on managing PCOS? Although these measures do not fully promote the recovery from the condition, they mitigate the symptoms and adverse health issues to a great extent. Quitting smoking is also a wise choice in dealing with PCOS, as smoking is linked with increased testosterone and fasting insulin levels in women with PCOS that lead to worsened insulin resistance. 

Some women also choose to have medicine to deal with their PCOS. Allopathy is considered mainstream medicine, but allopathic medicines can prove to be highly invasive to the body. Thus, most women prefer to opt for non-invasive treatment options like Homeopathy. Homeopathy for PCOS has also been considered by modern medicine as placebo medication.

How to Diagnose PCOS?

The diagnosis for PCOS is not limited to any symptoms. However, it is believed that a woman has PCOS if she has at least 2 of the following 3 criteria:

  • Irregular, heavy, or lack of periods
  • Increase in hair the body
  • Polycystic ovaries

However, even if you fit in the above criteria, it’s imperative to get examined by a medical professional and consult the doctor for PCOS treatment or PCOD treatment to manage these conditions effectively. 

So, if you happen to suffer from PCOS or PCOD at any time, count on homeopathy without a second thought to treat the condition effectively, naturally, and safely without any side-effects.


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