How Homeopathy Offers Safe Tonsillitis Treatment Without Surgery

Tonsils are masses of lymphoid tissues located in the back of the throat, one on each side. Each tonsil is made up of lymphoid tissues, which are similar to lymph nodes. A thin mucosal layer protects it. Tonsils are known to be parts of the lymphatic system. It contains a variety of T cells and B cells, which are white blood cells. Tonsils play a protective role, thereby serving as the first line of defense against bacteria and viruses that are inhaled or ingested. Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils on one or both sides. Types of Tonsillitis Based on the frequency and duration of tonsillitis, it exists in 3 types. They include: 1. Acute Tonsillitis: Acute tonsillitis refers to the cases in which symptoms last for 3 days to 2 weeks. 2. Recurrent Tonsillitis: This condition occurs when a person experiences multiple episodes of acute tonsillitis in a year. 3. Chronic Tonsillitis: It occurs when a person experiences episodes of Tonsillitis that last longer than acut...